Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Information Sharing in the 21st Century

Now that you have researched a specific topic, and shared that information the traditional way through a MLA report and 21st century Web 2.0 ways through a podcast and a wiki, answer the following questions:

1. Which way do you think that people would like to learn about a topic? Report or Podcast or Wiki?

2. Why did you choose the answer that you did? Give specific reason(s).

3. a. What have you learned that sticks out the most when creating an effective podcast?

4. a. What have you learned that sticks out the most when creating an effective wiki?

5. What is one piece of advice you would give future students before they set out to create a podcast or wiki?


  1. Kyle

    In my personal experience, I believe that a podcast is the best way to learn and retain information about a topic. The moving objects with the sound is a good way to have someone remember what it is the podcast is about. People remember music songs because they can listen to it and even sing to it! That is why music can be the most important aspect to a podcast. The viewer can remember the music and then from that remember what image was up while the music was playing and remember what was happening. A wiki however is based more on organization. If you have everything spread out the viewer will not have any interest in searching around the entire page to find a little piece of information. So my advice to future students would be to stay organized and keep things clean. If you make something look very un-kept because you had to race through it, then it won't attract viewers.

  2. Kelly B.
    1. I think that people would most like to learn through a podcast, or a wiki.
    2. I chose my answer because, I found making a podcast effective because you get to learn facts about your subject, and when putting together your podcast you can make it your own and learn through creativity. Also with wiki you can make your own page while still putting down important facts.
    3. You can make it your own and design it how you want it to look.
    4. You learn more things like widgets, and you learn more than just what your topic is on.
    5. With a podcast I would suggest that you have an idea on how you want your information to look, and what order you want it in, so when you go to make the podcast you don't get confused. Wiki i would suggest you have an idea on how you want your page to be organized, and just have fun with it.

  3. Alaina
    1. Wiki
    2. I chose wiki because you can put a podcast on a wiki and you can link different websits on your wiki.
    3. It is easier to make if you have all your information pictures before you start.
    4. It is very easy to use if you know how to upload pictures and videos.
    5. Make sure you safe your wiki or podcast every time you make a change or add information.

  4. Kelly R.
    1. They can all learn from all those things, but I think that the Wiki si where people can learn about a topic.
    2.For me, I learn easier from watching videos instead of reading something or having someone else read it.
    3.I learned how to do a podcast, I never made a podcast adn it was really cool.
    4.I learned how easy it is to create a wiki. i didn't think that something that takes you a short period of time can give you all the information you need to know about a topic.
    5.To just put all the important information about a topic. People don't have the time to sit and read about something they really don't need to know. It will just waste your time putting information about something they don't need to know.

  5. Dan
    1. A Report, even tho they are a little more boring, they are much more informative.
    2. Reports will go into greater detail and will most likely have better facts.
    3. Keep it short and sweet. You dont want to bore the learner.
    4. Jazz it up. Get their attention. Make it look cool, grab the readers eye.
    5. To make sure that when they make them, that they do not copy right anything.

  6. Leah
    1. The way I feel that people would like to learn is through a podcast.
    2. I decided to pick podcast because I feel like it is a simple way to learn about a topic. People are always looking for simpler ways to learn and watching a podcast is a simple way of learning about specific topics.
    3. When creating an effective podcast you want to think about the audience. There maybe something that you like that just wouldn't sit well with others. So you always have to make sure to think about the audience.
    4. When creating an effective wiki you want to make it personal. Make the vistior or the reader of you site be able to relate to the topic you are talking about.
    5. One piece of advice that I would give to future students is just think about what you would like to see. Make sure you plan out what you are going to do.

  7. Megan
    1.I think people would like to learn about a topic through a podcast.
    2.I chose a podcast because a podcast gives more imformation and is more interesting and you dont always have to read it you just have to listen.
    3.Something that i found that sticks out when creating a podcast is that its not all that easy, you dont want to make it to long but not to short.
    4.I have learned that when creating a wiki you want to use less words and more pictures and links to websites to show your information you can also use blogs or news articles as a widget.
    5. One piece of advice i would give future students would be to inform them that when creating a podcast or wiki you don't want to put to much information on either, its more so you want to get straight to the point and thats one piece of advice i would give.

  8. Crystal
    1. I think that people would like to learn about a topic through a wiki.
    2. A wiki has short bits of information and there are also links to other web sites that can give you further information. The wiki could even have a short video that can help you out also.
    3. When creating a podcast you should make it interesting so then people would want to learn about your topic. You have to make it catchy.
    4. A wiki is something short and gives information at the same time. You need to have other places that your readers can go to get more information. A wiki needs to be informative but also short and to the point.
    5. That you should always make it as interesting and informative and to really catch your readers attention.

  9. Alicia
    1. I think that people would prefer learning about a topic by a Podcast.
    2. It's less work for the viewer to just watch a video instead of having to read a drawn out Report or having to click mulitple links on a
    3. The more pictures and music you have to help balance out all the information given makes a Podcast more interesting and go faster.
    4. Widgets are a great source of intriguing viewers to want to learn more about a topic.
    5. Make sure you know what you're talking about and don't babble.

  10. Katie
    1) Report
    2) I would rather read about a topic; it makes it easier to understand when it is written out in front of me.
    3) Well-known music grabs the audience's attention.
    4) Colors can make a wiki visually pleasing.
    5) Plan out the exact information that you want to be presented.

  11. Mikayla

    1. I think that people will like to learn about my report via wiki.

    2. Wiki is easiest

    3. How to meld the pictures together so that it looks like a video.

    4. Make sure your wiki has character

    5. Be sure to create an avatar so that you can be safe if you want to share your wiki

  12. Harley,

    I think that people would like to learn about is a podcast, because i am a person who learns better visualy, then through someone just talking to me about a topic. I find that boring. That for me I am able to learn more affectivly and the information tends to stick out more when there are a lot of colors and effects added to it. My advice to give is to have fun, but take it seriously bacause you can actually learn from both the exciprence of what type of learner you are , and what you need to improve on.

  13. Zach M.
    1. I think that the best way to learn is the Wiki. It enables the learner to get creative.
    2. It gives the learner a little something to look forward to doing in that class.
    3. To be honest nothing really I didn't care for the podcast all that much.
    4. That using current events and nice visuals appeal to the audience.
    5. Always listen to what Mrs. Wiscount says. If you get behind in your work there is no such thing as recovery in this fast paced class.

  14. J.B.

    1) I believe that a wiki is the favored way for people to learn about a topic.

    2)Information can be easily shared by using pictures, videos, and sentences. Wiki's can also include games/widgets that make the page fun.

    3) I have learned that a good podcast captures people's attention and can keep a 'watcher' viewing it through the entire podcast.

    4) A wiki must also catch a readers attention. The wiki should include pictures and colors and should be easy to read.

    5) If a student is creating a podcast or wiki, i would tell them to make sure their creation keeps viewers intrested and catches attention.

  15. Nicole
    1. I think people would like to learn more in the way by podcast. it's kinda like watching a short video.
    2.I choose podcast because I like to learn information on a topic that wya and I see my friends do as well.
    3.copyright and showing created sourses.
    4.How to save and make it your style/character.
    5. To reread the rubrics make sure you follow the rubic because when your all done with all the componets needed you see a great deal.

  16. R.R.

    1.I think a Wiki.

    2.The reason is that it is fun and easy to understand.

    3.The background and the composition for the entertainment of the podcast.

    4.The look of it makes a difference on the idea of the wiki.

    5.Make an idea in your head of what you want your podcast or wiki and it will give you a starting point.

  17. Bryan
    1. I beleive people would like to learn from a podcast as long as it is exciting and entertaining.
    2. I chose this because people enjoy watching movies and television so podcast look and seem interesting to them.
    3. The thing I learned that has stuck with me with podcast would to make sure you keep the viewers intrest all the way through. You might wanna catch the attention of the viewer right away but also make sure your most exciting thing is in the middle cause thats when you start to lose people a little bit.
    4. The thing i learned that has stuck with me about a wiki is that you wanna have flow on it. You want to have related items together and have it easy to find and read.
    5. I would say it is all about the topic. If you pick a topic you like then it is easy to do both, so make sure you pick something that intrest you.

  18. Z.G
    1.A Wiki because there can be multipule pepole and I think it is alot of fun compared to a wiki and a report.
    2. I think it is alot of fun and with the one widget you can see how many people have seen your Wiki.
    3.Stay on topic and dont put any fillers that dont pertain to your topic.
    4.keep it short yet to the point.
    5.Pick a topic wisely.

  19. brandon
    1 Wiki
    2 Wiki is more fun and easy
    3 Who it all comes together
    4 Every on can see it
    5 When working on the wiki put all the effort that you can into it

  20. K.S.

    1. I think the best way to learn about a topic is through a podcast.

    2. I chose a podcast because you get to learn by hearing and seeing at the same time.

    3. The thing that I learn the most is to get all the pictures, sounds, and music before you start to put together a podcast.

    4. I have learned not to get so upset when something does not turn out the way you want it to turn out while making a wiki.

    5. A piece of advice I would give to a future student is not going to fast while making a podcast or wiki becasue if you do go fast you might make a silly mistake.

  21. B.D.

    1. I think the report is a better way to learn about a topic because that's how I discovered more information on Yoga. By typing things, using your knowledge, and having other sources really helps you learn about the topic.
    2. I chose the report because it kind of makes you memorize some of the facts and key information about the topic.
    3. I think the transitions and something that pops out from no where creates a good visual effect. Also when you have different kinds of pictures instead of the same old boring ones.
    4. While making a wiki you should keep in mind other peoples interests instead of just putting on things that you like. Make the format different than any you've ever seen or use color when you type.
    5. I would tell future students to think creative and dig deep for information instead of using what's right in front on you. Go outside of the box...

  22. Chris S.

    1 I think that the way that people would want to learn is a wiki.
    2 I think wiki is the best way because the audience gets to interact with the website and play with widgets on the wiki.
    3 When creating a podcast effectivley you should have lots of pictures and a video to keep the audience iterested in the topic. Also, have transitions to make the podcast look appealing.
    4 In a wiki you need to have lots of links to have the audience interact with the topic. Also, have widgets and pictures so the audience can have a little fun while learning about your topic.
    5 If your going to make a wiki then have lots of ways the audience can interact. If your making a podcast then make it eye apealing for the audience.

  23. A.C.

    1. I think people would like to learn about a topic through a podcast.

    2. Many people would much rather watch a video opposed to reading a report or a wiki page.

    3. If you choose to use a video, it must be 30 seconds or less to be legal.

    4. It should grab visitor's attention and be something that they can contribute to.

    5. I would advice that students should plan their wiki or podcast before making it, to avoid stress or frustration

  24. Kait
    1. I believe that people would like to learn from a Wiki to learn about a MLA topic.
    2. I chose this answer because in today's world the internet has become a dominant way to stay with our friends socialy.
    3. I have learned that saving your work often and reviewing your work as you go creates an effective podcast.
    4. When creating my wiki, i have learned that being creative with layout, color and overall view creates an effective wiki.
    5. Before setting out to create a podcast or wiki, make sure you have all needed graphics and video clips ready to put in so you dont have to adjust timing when you add pictures after the fact.

  25. S.S.

    1.)I think that people would like to learn about a topic through a Wiki.

    2.)Wiki's can include reports and podcasts, therefore they seem to be the best.

    3.)I have learned that when creating an effective podcast, fair use is important. Also, using public domain will save your work from any legal trouble from copyrighted work.

    4.)When creating an effective wiki, you must make sure that it is creative to more than just yourself. The people that will be looking at your wiki need to be entertained. They also need to learn about your wiki's topic.

    5.)I would give the advice, to future students, that they should chose a topic that they really like. They need to be able to find valuable information on their topic and it must be appropriate.

  26. A.S

    1.One way is that people would learn about this is learning the information that you didn't know about, podcasts are like slide shows though it's like most of a video.

    2.I choose that answer because people can learn more than they used to be and be better at doing these in the future use.

    3.I learned that creating an effective podcast is that u need to use 29 seconds or 10% of the video or music in order to use the copyright and fair use guidelines for a podcast.

    4.When creating a wiki is that I learned that people can edit your items that you put on the wiki on the topic you're on. It's also a cool way to let people or your friends edit your wiki and all the things on there.

    5.One piece of advice is that use 10% of media for podcast and let copyright and fair use be used. For wikis, put anything that you like and pick so people can edit that have the same interest as you and take time with it too.

  27. Miranda
    1. I think that people would rather learn from a wiki.
    2. I piked wiki because you can put more on a wiki like a podcast and links to good sites about you topic.
    3. When you are watching an effective podcast the information is always believable and clear. It is also organized.
    4. I think the pictures and the widgets stick out more in an effective wiki because it draws your attension.
    5. I would say to the students to make things interesting and not plain jane boring. You want to get a persons attension to your topic and you won't catch anyones eye by a black and white page with no pictures.

  28. Evan
    1. I think podcasts because they add color and effects to learning about a topic which makes it fun.
    2. I choose that answer because I enjoy learning through videos, and not boring reports.
    3. I learned that intresting pictures that people have to think about create a effective podcast because they really have to put there brain into what the picture is showing.
    4. I learned that widgets that inform the reader make and effective wiki because most people like to play with wikis because i know i do.
    5. Choose a topic your really intrested in because then you really wont do your best.

  29. Chris L.

    1. I think people would like to learn about a topic more on a Wiki.

    2. I choose Wiki because, Wikis have a little bit of everything. They have documents, video, and games about the topic.

    3. For an effective podcast you need to grab the reader's attention with a good title slide or good music.

    4. When creating an effective wiki you need some cool widgets to catch the reader's eye.

    5. The one piece of advice I would give future students before they start creating a podcast or wiki, is to make a good outline. When you make a good outline it makes life a whole lot easier than just starting from scratch.

  30. Jonathan R
    1.I think people like to learn about topic because they like to expand there knowledge through movies and podcast cause it is more interesting
    2.I choose the answner Because that is what I think, we did them for people to learn about our topic.
    3.I found out that pictures and videos are are a lot more interesting when combine with information.
    4.The more colorful and organized it is the more people tend to be interested and get more out of it, I also learned that widgets make the reader want to stay and read it.
    5.Choose a topic that interest you and just have fun with it.

  31. Gabby
    1. I would chose a podcast.
    2. I chose podcast because most people learn more when they see what they are learning. Most people are visuale learners.
    3. Instead of talking the whole time haveing bright colors and videos help the viewer get into to it.
    4. When creating a wiki the thing that sticks out the most is the different pictures and videos. These stick out the most because like what I said most people like to learn by visualizing the topic.
    5. One piece of advise i would give them is to make sure you make sure the pictures and videos are legal to use.

  32. Calvin 1. I think they would learn the most from the wikki cause its all three meshed into one and its the most fun cause theres games
    2. cause the wikki has the mla and the podcast in it and you can put games and pictures in it which makes it a fun learning experience.
    3. that you can have a lot of stuff and you should make it fun and not boring with a lot of monologging.
    4. make it fun so people dont come to your wikki and get bored and leave. if it's fun its easier for people to learn
    5.dont get behind cause when you do its hard to catch back up with everyone else.

  33. Courtney
    1. I think most people would rather learn about a topic through a wiki.
    2. I choose a wiki because its a more creative way to learn where people can have more fun while learning.
    3. A storyboard is helpful when planning out your podcast because it allows you go off of something rather than doing it off the top of your head.
    4. Be sure to space everthing out and make it look nice so it is readable.
    5. Make sure that you have everything planned out before you start so that you know what you are doing.

  34. Craig:
    1) I think that that the best way is a wiki
    2)I like the wiki and think that it is a fun way to lern and teach others.
    3)It makes lerning more interactive and fun and it is easy to do.
    4)You can put some of your personality in to the wiki and make it fun.
    5)I would say make suer that you understand fair use and copyright rules and have fun with it.

  35. Melissa
    1)I think people would like to learn about a topic using a wiki.
    2)Because wikis are the easiest.
    3)It was an easy and fun way to learn about a topic.
    4)It was very easy to work with.
    5)Make sure you know what pictures,sounds,and etc. you are looking for before you begin otherwise you will spend more time on that.

  36. Breanna
    1) I think people would most like to learn from a wiki.
    2) I think this because there would be fun wigets on it to keep the students interested.
    3) I have learned that copyright and public domain is very important and you must take time and plan to make a good podcast.
    4) Something that sticks out to me when making a wiki is to remeber to keep it simple and fun for the users.
    5) Advice that I would give future students is that you need to take time to plan and make a storyboard.

  37. John 1. Wiki
    2. Because thats how i learn the best
    3. I learned how to make one.
    4. how to use one in real life.
    5. If you hate school keep with it and get a high school diplmla.

  38. Katrina
    1. Wiki
    2. I chose wiki because its an easy way to teach people about your topic in a newer more exciting way than reading a paper report.
    3. I have learned that if you make it more exciting for people to look at they will pay better attention and learn more.
    4. I learned that if you have more interactive things or stuff that is easy to look at people will be more interested to learn about your topic.
    5. I would suggest to be creative come up with many ideas of what you will make it about before you start to create it.

  39. Kari
    1. I think people learn better when they do hands on activities which includes creating a Podcast.
    2. I chose podcasts because they are fun to do and I feel that students enjoy them a lot but learn at the same time.
    3. a. To create an effective podcast, you have to have something that keeps the viewers attention....high school students have the attention span of a squirrel.
    4. a. Creating a wiki, you need to have something that will keep them on your site...something like a game that helps the viewers learn about the topic of the wiki.
    5. I would tell future students to really plan out your assignment because if you do not plan it out, it will take forever to finish your project. But if you are a smart cookie and plan it out, the project will take a couple of days or even hours to complete.


  40. Katelyn:
    1)I think that people would like to learn from podcasts and wikis.
    2) I chose the answer I did because I believe that people now don't want to take the time to read a repot and would rather like a short version.
    3) when creating a effective podcast you should make sure that all your information is understandable and that you use shortened versions of what you want to say.
    4) when creating an effective wiki you should make sure that the people reading it learn somthing from it but is not long enough to be called a report.
    5)one pice of advice I would give is that if your going to make a wiki or a podcast make sure you are interested in you topic so it is easier for you to make.

  41. Kyle
    1. Podcast, because it can show them rather than them having to learn it.
    2. it would be more visual for us to understand.
    3. you should use more color and images.
    4. you should use more color and images.
    5. dont copyright and plan before hand.

  42. Amber
    1.)I think most people would rather learn about a topic by a podcast because it is more interesting making it easier for the reader to remeber the information.
    2.) I chose this ansewer from using my own experiences using and also learning from both podcasts and reports.
    3.) The thing that sticks out the most to me from creating a podcast is trying to catch the viewers attention and making sure I keep it.
    4.) The thing that sticks out the most to me from creating a wiki is making sure everything that I put on it relates some way to my topic.
    5.) My advice to anyone that is going to be creating a podcast or wiki is that you need to make sure it is readable, eye appealing, and on topic.

  43. Tyler
    I think that people would prefer to learn by the 21st century, because it is the newest way to learn and everybody wants to be up to date.

    When creating a podcast the most effective way is to have enough pictures and information that you need but to much info can get really boring and people will lose interest.

    When creating a wiki the most effective way is to make sure you have a lot of things to interact with the people viewing your wiki. It is made to be interacting and exciting.

    One piece of information would be to make sure that you pick a topic that you for sure do. Pick something that you have some knowledge of already and go from there. Make sure to have fun doing it :-)

  44. Sara
    1. I think that most people would like to watch a podcast.
    2. I chose podcast because not a lot of people would like to read a long report.
    3. I learned when making a podcast that you can only use 3 mintutes or 10% (which ever is shorter) of a movie for your podcast.
    4. I learned when making a wiki that you have to arrange your items efficently or else you will have a lot of negative space.
    5. I would let future students know that they should make sure they discuss the main topics in depth.

  45. Tom
    1. I think that people most like to learn by watching a podcast.
    2. As a student I would like to sit and watch something in class rather then sitting and listening to people read in class. I know that most students in my other classes liked to watch rather then read.
    3. Something that I have learned from creating a podcast is that having good motion to your pictures is important because it really makes it creative rather then just showing pictures. It makes it more entertaing to watch too.
    4. One thing that I learned creating a wiki is don't make it to colorful. Wiki's aren't ment to be real colorful they are ment to be informational.
    5. Some advice that I would give to students who want to create a wiki or a podcast is when you go to create a podcast make a storyboard before you create it. If you do it will make it easier to finish your podcast faster. For the wiki, make it some what colorful but not to colorful. Also put some fun widgets and other stuff on it.

  46. Alex
    1.) I beleive that most people of this country would like to learn about a topic by a podcast because it is an more fun way to learn.
    2.) Oh. I answered this question in number one.
    3.) I have learned that making a podcast is a very enjoyable proccess.
    4.) I have learned that anyone in the whole entire world can see what you post on your wiki so you should be careful and not give out personal information. Do not use a real photo of yourself, and a first name is the best way to go.
    5.) I would like to tell all future students prior to creating a podcast or wiki the following:
    -Plan out as much as possible.
    -If completing it during class, use your time wisley.
    -Give your very best effort, every point counts.

  47. Forrest
    I think that today most people would like to learn using wikis because you can add your two cents to the site and get two cents back later
    I learned that for an effective podcast you need to pay attention to the average person you want to see it
    For an effective wiki you should think about what the wiki is about and only have things that are related to your wiki and have complete focus on that
    for both the wiki and the podcast keep them simple and dont focus on flashy and dazzly things



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