Sunday, November 22, 2009

Welcome to your Course Blog!

Learning about new topics takes on a whole new look in the 21st century. What we used to learn in libraries, books, and encyclopedias, we can now also learn from e-books, websites, blogs, wikis, and pod casts. The last four are new emerging technologies that are taking school and college classrooms by storm.

  • What new and emerging technologies are you familiar with?
  • When you want information, where do you go to look for it?
  • What do you think you can learn from other people that you may not be able to learn from more traditional resources?
  • Why do you think learning from others is important in the 21st century?
Share your thoughts with the class on ways to discover and learn new information in the year 2009.

Make sure you read over the blog etiquette handout before commenting on this blog. Click on document link to file on Moodle.

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